Cover letter for post of jewelry designer

An instant cover letter is a guaranty to cut through your competition for job. It is the fastest and the easiest way to increase your job offer and job interviews.
Here is a sample instant cover letter:
Pearl Mason
#3, Christie’s Apartments,
Congo Street,
Mr. Robert Oberon
Glitz n’ Glitter Jewels,
Marine Center,
15th June, 2010
Dear Mr. Oberon,
This cover letter is with regards to your advertisement on for jewelry designer’s job. As I am highly interested in this opportunity so would like to apply for the same.
With my bachelor degree in jewelry designing, I have an experience of three years in this field. I worked for a jewelry manufacturing house, so I am well aware about all the latest flairs and fashions of the western world. I also have a good knowledge about the metals, gemstones and diamond. Not only has this but also had a good command over production techniques.
You will find panache of high class perfection in my designs. I am good at making all kinds of jewelry. I want to use all my creativity and ability to craft my ideas in designs with your company. I believe that I can be a perfect match for this post. I look forward for a favorable response to work with your esteemed company.
Please accept my gratitude for considering my application.
Thank You,

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