Letter complaining about poor hotel service


Notify a hotel of problems that occurred with your recent stay with this letter template. The letter details issues experienced and requests the hotel make improvements prior to your next visit.

[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]

[Recipient Name]
[Hotel Name]
[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient Name]:

I am a frequent traveler and have been a loyal customer of your hotel for many years because I appreciate your emphasis on value and excellent service. Yet a recent episode at your hotel has made me question my loyalty.
[Describe your experience. For example: I stayed in your Lilburn, Georgia, hotel, room 203, from Monday, September 1 through Thursday, September 4. Throughout my stay my towels were consistently dirty and the bathroom plumbing was faulty. To make matters worse, one of my neighbors was extremely loud and entertained visitors until 3:00 AM. I complained to the front desk manager and requested another room but was told there were no other rooms available. No one from the hotel spoke to the noisy guest on my behalf. Despite my repeated complaints, it was not until the third day of my stay that the plumbing was fixed and my towels refreshed. Because of the noise, I was unable to sleep comfortably for two nights, and hence, my business meetings were far more stressful than they needed to be.]
I am writing to encourage you to improve your customer service. It is extremely distressing for a loyal, frequent traveler to experience such poor service.
I enjoy staying at your hotel for a number of reasons. Overall the atmosphere makes me feel as comfortable, as if I were at home. I hate having my positive feelings about your hotel ruined by one visit. I hope this problem will be corrected prior to my next visit.

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