Letter notifying school of student's upcoming absence


Parents can use this letter to notify the school of their child's upcoming absence and make arrangements for completion of homework.

[Street Address]
[City, ST  ZIP Code]
[phone number]
[email address]

[Recipient Name]
[School Name]
[Street Address]
[City, ST  ZIP Code

Dear: [Recipient Name]

I am writing to inform you that [Student Name]will be absent from school from [date] through [date]. [Explain absence].
Our aim is that this absence from class not affect [Student Name]’s academic performance. Please let me know if any assignments will need to be completed before we leave. We will make every effort to ensure that [Student Name]’s school work is completed while we are away.
Please email me at [email address]with [Student Name]’s assignments for the days that [he/she] will be absent. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

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