Use this letter template to contact a library for copies of newspaper obituaries for your ancestors. The letter encloses a self-addressed, stamped envelope and a check to cover research and copying costs.
[City, ST ZIP Code]
[Recipient Name]
[Library Name]
[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]
Dear [Recipient Name] :
I am writing to request documents that will assist me in my genealogy research. I would like the newspaper obituaries for my grandfather and my great-grandmother, both of whom died in [City, ST] , and are buried in the [Cemetery Name] Cemetery. My relatives’ birth names, birth dates, and death dates are listed below.
Born in [City and State or Country] , about [year]
Died [date] , in [City, ST]
Born in [City and State or Country] , about [year]
Died [date] , in [City, ST]
I have enclosed a self-addressed, stamped envelope and a check for $[amount] to cover research and copying costs. If this amount is not sufficient, please let me know, and I will send a check to cover the additional cost. If my check exceeds the amount you normally charge, please consider the leftover funds a donation.
Thank you for your time in considering my request. I look forward to hearing from you.