Reference letter for professional employee


Write a reference letter for a business professional who was laid off for business reasons. The letter template lists the employee's accomplishments and skills, and your contact information to provide any additional information.

[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]
[phone number]

[Recipient Name]
[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient Name]:

Trey Research employed Stephanie Bourne full-time as a senior editor. For more than four years she managed the content and delivery of our monthly internal newsletter. Her recent layoff was the direct result of an initiative at Trey Research to downsize during this slow economic quarter. Last month, Trey Research closed its editorial department indefinitely. Stephanie is an intelligent and motivated individual. She is more than capable of managing a small group of people. As senior editor, Stephanie recruited and managed one writer and one copyeditor. With the help of this team, she produced a high-quality newsletter every month and never missed a deadline.
As part of her former responsibilities, Stephanie interviewed competitors in our sector and developed reports on new technologies and areas for growth. Peers in my field would often tell me that Stephanie was interesting to talk to and wrote credible content that accurately reflected their feedback. I believe that developing quality relationships with industry competitors is the responsibility of each Trey Research employee, and Stephanie’s consistent contributions to that end are an excellent case in point.
If you would like additional information about Stephanie, you can telephone me at (425) 555-0156.

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