Dear Ms. Ainsley:
I just want to state again what a pleasure it was to talk with you back in November about a position as a graphic artist with Greater Cascades Newspapers. I thank again you most sincerely for your time in getting to know me and answering all my questions about the company.
Our interview -- and the interviews I've been on since then -- have affirmed in my mind that Greater Cascades Newspapers is the right environment for me and that I have a great deal to offer your company. I am hoping you are as interested in my qualifications as I am in contributing to your firm. I'm eager to bring my experience in design-related applications in both Mac and PC platforms, graphic-design skills, communications-studies background, and teamwork experience to Greater Cascades.
I'm available for a follow-up interview if that would help you better evaluate my qualifications. I can be there anytime it's convenient and very much look forward to visiting the company again.
Ms. Ainsley, I am truly grateful for the opportunity to speak with you, and I look forward to hearing soon about a follow-up visit.
Thank You Letter that Follows Up After Job Interview
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Job Thank You Letter
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