Cover letter for marketing manager job

Date: 27 December, 2009.
Mr Granger,
B-2, Ogling Drive,

Mrs Wesley,
Human Resource Officer,
Spree Shopping Heaven,

Dear Mrs Wesley,
This letter has been drafted in accordance with the advertisement posted by your esteemed shopping mall in The Job Daily dated 26 December 2009. I wish to 
apply forthe post of Marketing Manager in your elite shopping mall. I have been an excellent and a vibrant student during my High School education and
the scores only got better during the acquisition of Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce field. I also have a Master in Business Administration degree with marketing as the core subject.
Along with the education, I also have an experience of 21 months as a junior manager and again 24 months as the marketing manager in the UBQT Mall. I wish to have a broader platform for showcasing my talent and I thought it can be no better than your esteemed shopping mall. I am looking forward for a favourable response and then good work relations in the coming future.

Yours faithfully,
Mr Granger

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