Letter announcing death of grandmother

Dear brother James,
I am writing this letter with utter depression and sorrow to convey you that our grandmother Julia is deceased. This sorrowful event occurred on Sunday afternoon at 2:33 PM. I cannot tell you how heavy I feel. The last rites of grandma are to be performed at the St. Andrew’s Church on 21 July. I am hopeful that you will come to the last rites to offer last regards to grandma. It has been inevitable that grandma will meet this end for the liver problems which she tackled all long her life. However, the shock will come so early was never expected by any of us.
You will need to start  your journey at the earliest since you stay that far. Hence, try and get your things in array as quickly as you get this letter. I pray for grandma, ‘May Her Soul Rest in Peace’. Solemnly waiting for you,

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