A formal letter asking a person to apologize and say sorry for all the hurt he has caused
Dear Mr. Peltier,
Sorry, but a great deal of concern has been expressed about your behavior the last few days. The latest incident reported to us is unfortunately the last straw for any tolerance. From our perspective, the solution is quite straightforward:
Please take a second to think about what you've done, you owe a lot of people in the group an apology. We are not asking you to apologize, we WANT you to apologize.
If this is something you believe you are not up to, then I am sorry to tell you that the consequences on your status will not be pleasant.
Please be advised accordingly.
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Apology letter to friend after bad behaviourToShane Austin#212 Granada RoadSalisburyDear Shane,I am writing this letter to seek forgiveness for my behavior last night. I know I misbehaved very badly with you in fr ...
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