Complaint acknowledgement letter template

Complaint acknowledgement letter template

[insert date]

[insert name]
[insert address]

Our ref: [insert if any]
Your ref: [insert if any]

Our contact details (email & phone): [insert]

Dear [insert name]

Heading, eg Complaint about …

Thank you for bringing your concerns to my attention in [your letter/your email/our conversation] of [date].

I am sorry that you are not happy with the service provided by [insert name of care home/day centre].

As I understand it, you are concerned that [insert your understanding of the issues of concern, using a bulleted or numbered list if there is more than one point]. Please contact me straight away if I have misunderstood your concerns.

I am going to be investigating your concerns. I would be happy to meet you to discuss the issues you have raised and our investigation procedures, if that would be helpful. [Suggest a date and/or provide contact details.]

I am looking into the points you have made as a matter of urgency and shall be in touch with you with a full response by [insert anticipated response time – not longer than 28 working days].

Please do contact me again in the meantime if I can be of further assistance. My email and phone number are given above.

Yours sincerely

Job title

March 2012/JC

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